Enhancing your looks and setting right physical imperfections is relatively easy with the various types of advanced plastic surgery procedures available today. Expert plastic surgeons can provide you with the right surgical solution using minimally invasive techniques to help you improve your physical appearance easily, effectively, and with the least trauma. The most popular procedures are briefly described below:

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

  • Liposuction: Also known as lipoplasty, this surgical procedure can remove excess fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Reliable plastic surgery practices provide advanced, minimally invasive liposuction procedures using innovative technologies such as SmartLipo Triplex, BodyTite and VASER 2.0 to treat almost all areas including the chin, abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, back, knees, jowls, and neck.

  • Breast Augmentation: In this popular breast enhancement procedure, saline and silicone gel implants are used to enhance breast size and shape. It is also possible to increase breast volume via a minimally invasive fat transfer procedure. Fat extracted through liposuction is transferred to the breasts to increase volume.

  • Brazilian Butt Augmentation: This procedure helps you achieve fuller, well-shaped buttocks using fat grafts from your own body.

  • Abdominoplasty: This plastic surgery procedure is performed to flatten your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin resulting from weight loss or pregnancy. Also known as tummy-tuck, this abdominal contouring procedure, when combined with liposuction of the waist and lower back can greatly improve your physical appearance.

  • Thigh Lift: An inner or outer thigh lift can improve the appearance of your thighs and get rid of sagging fat and skin in the area. Your plastic surgeon may recommend liposuction in combination with or prior to the thighplasty surgery if there too much excess fat and skin.

  • Arm Lift or Brachioplasty: Ideal for people with significant fat and skin laxity in their upper arm, this surgical procedure can resculpt arms for well-toned arms, improved contour, and smoother skin.

  • Neck Lift: This surgery can improve the overall appearance of your neck by correcting issues such as jowls, sheets of muscle under the skin of the throat, sagging or drooping skin, platysma (neck banding), and more.

  • Gynecomastia treatment: This is male breast reduction surgery. It helps men resolve the embarrassing problem of abnormally big breasts and achieve a well sculpted chest.

  • Mastopexy (Breast Lift): This procedure, ideal for women to reduce breast sagginess due to pregnancy, breast feeding, obesity and massive weight loss. With various incision options, this mastopexy procedure can improve the shape of the breasts and reposition the nipple higher. This procedure may be combined with breast implant surgery for enhanced results.

  • Body Lift: This surgery is recommended for women after pregnancy and patients who have hanging or drooping skin post-liposuction or weight-loss surgery. A body lift can be performed on specific parts of the body such as the thighs, abdomen, buttock and arms.

Regardless of the type of plastic surgery procedure you want to have, it is important to locate an AAAASF-accredited surgical facility with qualified and skilled plastic surgeons experienced in the latest techniques.

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