Fat transfer is an advanced procedure in which fat is removed from a part of the body where it is abundant and injected into another area to enhance volume, aesthetics, and youthful appeal. The novelty of the procedure is that fat grafts from your own body are used for the enhancement of other areas of your body such as the face, breasts, and buttocks. There are many surgeons in and around New York City who provide helpful fat transfer treatment.

Fat grafting is a specialized plastic surgery procedure. Fat is first removed via liposuction. Typical donor sites include the abdomen and flanks. This fat is treated and purified before it is injected into the site that needs enhancement. One of the greatest advantages of the procedure is that it offers natural looking results because your own fat is used rather than an implant. Moreover, you could also benefit from reduced rejection issues.

Ideal alternative to implants

Women who want to enhance breast size can benefit with a fat transfer procedure. Skilled plastic surgeons offer it as an alternative to saline and silicone implants. Augmenting of the breasts using the patient’s own fat helps to overcome implant associated issues such as rippling, rupture, and more. Moreover, this provides a more natural and youthful look.

Use of Advanced Modalities for Better Results

Choosing an established practice in NYC can offer you an advantage of advanced modalities for better results. The fat would be removed using the latest minimally liposuction modalities such as SmartLipo Triplex, BodyTite, or VASER 2.0 which retains the viability of the fat cells for transfer. Advanced systems such as TouchView™ employed in prestigious facilities provide precise and superior image-guided fat grafting. This technology facilitates pre-operative planning on matters such as where exactly the fat is to be placed and so on to provide more precise results.

Safe Procedures with Additional Liposuction Benefits

Patient safety is crucial in all plastic surgery . This is where getting your procedure performed in a reliable practice with skilled plastic surgeons is significant. Only a surgeon who is experienced in fat grafting techniques can ensure optimal results. The surgeon should be also skilled in liposuction. In fact, one of the benefits of liposuction of fat from the area where it is excessive is improved contour in the donor site. For instance, suctioning off excess fat for transfer from the abdomen can result in a firmer, trimmer mid-section. These results are enhanced with the use of the latest body contouring technology.

If you are thinking of having your fat transfer performed in New York, you should first find a plastic surgeon who is an expert at it. You can expect to enjoy all these benefits if you are in the right hands. Make sure you consult a qualified and experienced professional in an AAAASF-accredited NYC plastic surgery practice. This can ensure safe, minimally invasive liposuction and fat transfer procedures with reduced downtime, minimal complications and superior results.


There are many people who want a perfect body shape by getting rid of excess fat in the body that persists even after strict diet and exercise. These people can rely on advanced laser liposuction to obtain the best results. Experienced plastic surgeons at reputable plastic surgery centers offer this procedure utilizing the latest advancements in body contouring technology. Many benefits are offered by this kind of liposuction with minimal risk or discomfort. This is very true when the advanced Smartlipo device is used for the procedure.

Advantages of Laser Liposuction

  • First of all, the procedure offers greater efficiency when compared to traditional liposuction. Body fat can be removed easily, quickly and in a manner that is minimally invasive.
  • Even fat from small areas such as the underarm or chin can be removed with this process. An enhanced overall appearance is provided by laser liposuction plastic surgery.
  • Normal routine can be resumed within 2-3 days of surgery and you need to closely follow the advice of your plastic surgeon. This procedure has a shorter recovery time as compared to conventional liposuction and this is the main reason for its popularity. However, strenuous activities should not be performed immediately after this surgery. Stressful activities should be avoided unless and until you are completely healed.
  • Nowadays, the advanced Smartlipo device is used for liposuction, which provides excellent aesthetic results. Excess fat is melted by the laser energy and no discomfort or pain is caused to the patient. The melted fat is then removed. An attractive body contour is ensured by this procedure along with a smooth skin tone.
  • With Smartlipo Triplex liposuction, the delivery of energy is reliable and controlled. The skin is tightened effectively due to proven tissue coagulation. This procedure is safe and there are no risks of over treatment.
  • The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and this is another factor which contributes to its popularity.
  • There is hardly any risk of scars in Smartlipo Triplex liposuction. There might be some red marks on the skin, but they are visible only for a few hours and disappear later on.

Choose the Right Plastic Surgery Facility and Surgeon

It is a fact that Smartlipo liposuction brings about attractive and long lasting results. However, only an experienced and reliable plastic surgeon can ensure excellent aesthetic outcomes. Thus, it is of great importance to find a reputable facility and surgeon. A caring and experienced surgeon will take your aesthetic goals into consideration so that you receive the desired results. However, for maintenance of the good results, a proper lifestyle and healthy diet have to be followed as per the instructions of the surgeon.

When you decide to opt for plastic surgery , you should consider it as something extremely important since it would transform your life for the better. You should take proper precautions before opting for this procedure, whether it is breast augmentation, face lift, liposuction or other procedures. It is of utmost importance that you have the surgical procedure done by a reliable and experienced plastic surgeon who has provided many successful procedures.
  • Thorough research should be done about the surgeons as well as the facilities
You should have proper knowledge about the surgeon who would be providing the procedure as well as about the facility. Choose a plastic surgery facility that has got a good accreditation and is licensed. The Internet can be of great help in your search for a reliable surgeon. Details can be found about various certified plastic surgeons. If you choose a certified and experienced surgeon, you can be assured that he/she is specialized in the field and has the necessary skills and ethics.
  • Compare various surgeons providing service
After you are done with the research, at least 3 surgeons should be shortlisted and visited. This way, you can obtain additional information from the surgeons. Compare the various surgeons and choose the best one. Discuss all your concerns with the plastic surgeon and find out how he/she responds. You need to find a surgeon that is responsive to your particular requirements. When the best surgeon is chosen, you can have the surety that excellent aesthetic results would be received along with efficient support and post-surgery care.
  • Learn about the different techniques that are used for the procedure
Ask the plastic surgeon about the different techniques available for the procedure you desire.
  • Learn about the limitations of the surgery
Recovery from plastic surgery is not easy and sometimes patients would have to stay overnight in the hospital. This depends on the type of procedure, the number of procedures as well as your health condition. Have a detailed discussion with the plastic surgeons about the recovery time. Make it a point to visit forums wherein patients discuss real experiences.
  • Quit smoking a couple of weeks before the procedure
Smoking and plastic surgery don’t go together. It is a known fact that smoking can greatly affect the recovery time and results. Due to smoking, the blood becomes thin and complications are caused in the procedure. The body doesn’t heal properly and thus, the recovery time is delayed. It is recommended that patients should quit smoking at least two weeks before the procedure.


The time taken for recovery from liposuction would depend on the number of areas where the procedure is done. Generally it takes a couple of hours for the procedure to get over. If the surgeon uses local anesthesia, you can leave the center immediately and come home. The time taken for recovery would depend also on the type of procedure. Usually, a week off has to be taken by patients in order to recover completely. If you engage in many activities immediately after the surgery, the swelling would increase and it would take a longer time to achieve the desired results.

Soon after the procedure, the area of treatment may feel sore and tender. In some cases, visible bruising may also be noticed. For a few days after the surgery, the skin may remain red. If liposuction is done on large areas, pain medication may be prescribed by the  plastic surgeon for reducing discomfort.

Time Taken for Recovery

Usually, side effects of the procedure may be noticed for about a couple of weeks, depending on the type of procedure. Generally, patients take around one week to resume their routine work. If the procedure is done on larger areas of the body, the time taken for recovery may be longer. You have to be patient because the desired results may not be seen immediately. Some time may be required for achieving the desired looks. Usually, the complete results of a liposuction procedure are seen within 6 months.

A healthy diet and exercise plan should be followed by patients undergoing liposuction procedure. There is permanent removal of fat cells through this procedure. However, there are chances that you may gain weight again. Fat cells do not grow back in the part where liposuction is done. Patients are advised to stay hydrated during the period of recovery.

Proper care should be taken during the period of recovery.

  • •ou should maintain a low-sodium,  proper diet
  • •ake adequate rest before resuming normal activities
  • •he treatment area should be gently massaged so that circulation is encouraged
  • Avoid medications that interfere with the fluid balance

When the Smartlipo Triplex device is used for performing laser liposuction, it offers better results as compared to the conventional procedure. In this procedure, the bruising and discomfort are very mild. The blood vessels are sealed by laser energy and thus, there is reduction in the recovery time, swelling and bleeding. Other minimally invasive devices that can be used for effective liposuction are BodyTite and Vaser 2.0. All these are efficient and safe body sculpting workstations that provide the best aesthetic results.

The problem of obesity coupled with the tendency to achieve a perfectly contoured body has forced men and women to go for corrective surgical procedures. However, not all treatments may be suitable for people considering their particular health conditions. VASER liposuction is the new age surgery that helps reduce body fat leading to a perfectly carved body for men and women who are perfectionists in the real sense. VASER lipo is popular also because this technique breaks the fat cells without causing any damage to other vital tissues and blood vessels

The VASER Lipo Procedure

VASER lipo is an advanced procedure that utilizes ultrasound technology to melt excess body fat. It is a wide awake procedure, and therefore patients needn’t be concerned in any way. What distinguishes this treatment is that the fat cells are separated from the connective tissue, while retaining their viability for use in fat transfer procedures. It can be provided to any part of the body, whether abdomen, arms, back, breasts, buttocks, waist, hips, knees, calves and more. This device uses ultrasonic waves to destroy fat.

Plastic surgeons can get rid of small as well as large volumes of fat with the help of a choice of probes, diameters and groove patterns. The right amount of energy can be directed towards the target tissues, whether soft, fibrous or medium. Both single and multiple areas can be treated.

The Reasons for the Popularity of VASER Lipo Surgery

This surgery is preferred because of the following reasons:

  • It is a minimally invasive, safe surgery
  • It doesn’t require general anesthesia, can be provided under local anesthesia
  • Increased skin retraction and minimal blood loss
  • Office/outpatient procedure
  • More precise and easier procedure
  • Remarkable skin tightening
  • Minimal recovery time

VASER Lipo is increasing in popularity with more and more people becoming aware of the benefits of cosmetic plastic surgery. In Manhattan, NYC, you can go to select plastic surgery centers that offer this innovative procedure.

The Cost of VASER Liposuction

The price factor is an important issue when it comes to liposuction surgery.  However, not all treatments are expensive and the cost of these surgeries largely depends upon the technology that is used along with the follow up treatments that may be required for the same. VASER liposuction is more affordable, which is another reason why this surgical method is popular. This is because there are no requirements of general anesthesia for this surgery and the post recovery period is comparatively low.
If you are aiming for a perfectly sculpted body, and want to get rid of the distressing fat cells, VASER liposuction is the most viable and convenient solution. However, you should stay away from figure slimming centers that are not to be trusted for figure corrective surgeries. For this surgery in particular, finding a good plastic surgery practice in Manhattan or New York City should be given prime importance.

Breast enhancement surgery is a surgical process provided to add volume to the breasts and make them look more youthful and attractive. This augmentation surgery is done using breast implants or via fat transfer.  Both treatments are safe and effective, and work to boost the self confidence of women who are concerned about their small and unattractive breasts.

Breast Enhancement Using FDA Approved Implants

Breast enhancement surgery is provided using two types of implants – saline filled and silicone-gel-filled implants. These are FDA approved and therefore safe. They are made of silicone plastic, and the silicone-gel-filled implants have a more natural feel than the saline ones.
The Procedure

Breast implants can be placed in different positions – through an incision made in the armpit, at the edge of the areola or under the breast. Saline implants require an incision about an inch long while silicone implants require a one and a half inch incision. This is because saline implants are filled with the saline solution after placement, whereas silicone implants are pre-filled.

Factors that influence the location of the incision include:

  • Age
  • Implant type
  • Current body mass
  • Areolar diameter
  • Breast anatomy

For women having little breast tissue and small areola, surgeons usually prefer axillary incision in the armpit. For women who have lost breast volume following childbirth and breastfeeding, incision under the breast or at the edge of the areola is the better option.   The implant is placed in a pocket either beneath the pectoral muscle, above the pectoral muscle or directly at the back of the breast tissue. The implant location is decided by factors such as individual physical characteristics, implant option and extent of enhancement required.

Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement – a More Natural Option

Breast augmentation using fat transfer is provided at select plastic surgery facilities in NYC. In this, the patient’s own body fat is used instead of implants. The fat is taken from the patient’s thigh or abdomen, a portion of it is processed and the stem cells are extracted. It is then mixed with the remaining fat tissue and injected into the breasts. The greatest advantage of this procedure is that there is no risk of rejection since the patient’s own body fat is used. This is a more natural breast enhancement option that is safe and effective. Side effects, discomfort and scarring are minimal, and patients recover fast.

Breast surgery is a boon to women who have lost their breasts to cancer. For them, breast reconstruction and augmentation will ensure natural looking breasts that will definitely boost their self-esteem. Reputable plastic surgeons providing breast enlargement surgery in NYC offer customized treatment, taking the aesthetic goals of the patients into consideration.

Some Facts about BodyTite

More and more people are going in for liposuction surgery because of the remarkable body contouring possible through this. Minimally invasive liposuction treatment is more popular since it is safer and more effective. BodyTite liposuction is a minimally invasive, radiofrequency assisted procedure that ensures remarkable fat removal and skin tightening to provide a slimmer and toned look.

The BodyTite procedure is safe and comfortable and is offered at reputable plastic surgery facilities in NYC. This liposuction treatment is carried out under local anaesthesia. Radiofrequency assisted liposuction is unique in that it treats only the body parts with excess fat, leaving the surrounding cells unharmed.
  • Within the radiofrequency device are internal and external electrodes.
  • The radiofrequency energy passes from the internal to the external electrode and then reaches the areas with excess fat.
  • The adipose, vascular and fibrous tissues are coagulated and the entire soft-tissue matrix is heated. The energy helps in liquefying excess fat.
  • The procedure brings about superior sculpting and re-contouring of the body.

BodyTite can be used to remove surplus fat from the face, neck, chin, arms, abdomen, love handles, hips, thighs, knees and buttocks. Surgical trauma is reduced because of the preheating of the treatment area and gentle fat removal. Features such as skin temperature monitoring and limit control features prevent thermal hot spots and over treatment. Downtime is minimal, and patients are not required to stay overnight.

The Right Candidate for Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction

Talking about the eligibility criteria for undergoing this liposuction treatment, here is a quick checklist:

  • Any healthy person, troubled by stubborn fat deposits that have proved resistant to diet and exercise is a candidate.
  • Any complication or disorders in your health will make you more prone to risks after the surgery is done.
  • If you are on certain medications, then liposuction may not prove good for you.
  • One more important thing to consider is the elasticity of your skin. If your skin isn’t elastic enough then the liposuction surgery can cause wrinkles on your skin after the surgery is done.
  • You should have realistic expectations regarding the results.

The liposuction surgery will definitely have a positive outcome if you are a suitable candidate. Your plastic surgeon  will carefully examine your physical condition, evaluate your skin structure and study the areas where liposuction is to be carried out. He/she will also want to know about your aesthetic objectives. Based on these inferences, your surgeon will decide whether you are a candidate for BodyTite liposuction.

Make sure that you always choose an AAASF accredited center to undergo this liposuction surgery. This will ensure you a safe treatment and excellent results.