Nowadays, many reputable surgeons offer laser liposuction to men and women desiring a better body contour. However, you need to be very careful when choosing the right surgeon for laser liposuction. Laser liposuction has become safer and more effective now with the availability of advanced body sculpting workstations such as Smartlipo Triplex.
The best way to start your search is by short-listing a few surgeons and scheduling consultations with them. Various factors that should be taken into consideration include experience, certification and qualifications. However, if the right questions are asked, making the decision would be quite easy.

Questions to Ask Laser Liposuction Surgeons

A list of relevant questions should be framed so that they can be cleared by the surgeon. To evaluate the background of the surgeon, his certification should be checked. On many websites, the credentials of the laser liposuction surgeons are provided. An ideal way for screening the specialist is through an initial consultation.

• Is the surgeon experienced?
If the surgeon is not experienced, he would definitely not be the first choice. An experienced plastic surgeon is more reliable and would provide safe and effective surgical procedures.
• Does the surgeon have adequate training?
Find out whether the surgeon has excellent training when it comes to providing successful surgery, in taking good care and preventing surgical emergencies.
• What is the safest choice?
The safest choice is selecting a surgeon, who is:
• Ready for limiting the amount of liposuction, performed on the same day.
• Avoids doing liposuction on many areas of the body on the same day
• Ready to give a gap of at least one month if more than 1 day of liposuction is necessary
• Ready to avoid other unrelated surgical procedures, on the same day of liposuction.

Research Thoroughly before Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon

You need to carry out a thorough research before choosing your plastic surgeon. Consider laser liposuction surgeons who are known for their integrity and surgical skill. Your friends and relatives who have undergone similar liposuction procedures may be able to guide you in your selection. Patient testimonials also assist in gauging a surgeon’s expertise and experience.
Laser liposuction is best obtained from a reputable plastic surgery center that has the right advanced equipment, qualified and experienced surgeons, excellent and caring support staff, and a comfortable and relaxing environment. Plastic surgeons who have patient safety and comfort as primary objectives will offer steady follow-up consultations to make sure that the good aesthetic results achieved are maintained.

Liposuction surgery is a very popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedure. When unwanted fat cannot be removed by exercise and diet, liposuction is the best option. Liposuction using VASER is a major advancement in this field and is definitely better and more effective when compared to traditional techniques of lipolysis. Only fat tissues are targeted selectively and this helps women and men to achieve an optimal muscle tone.

Improve Your Body Contour with Vaser Lipo

In liposuction using Vaser, ultrasound technology is utilized. The best results are offered for patients who have excess amounts of stubborn fat and wish to contour their bodies to achieve a better musculature. Some areas that can be treated effectively include the buttocks, breasts, arms, abdomen, thighs and love handles. Even the chin and face - the delicate areas - can be treated effectively with this ultrasound technique.

How Does The Procedure Work?

First, a saline solution is injected into the treatment area for numbing it and for expanding the layers of tissue. The Vaser Probe is used to deliver ultrasound waves of high frequency, so that the fat tissue is liquefied gently. Then, there is emulsification of fat, which is suctioned off. Only the right amount of fat would be removed by an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon.
A good muscle tone along with a proportional figure can be achieved via this procedure. Ultrasonic energy is engineered for separating fat from the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues efficiently. This makes the procedure safe and effective. The system retains the viability of the removed fat, for transferring to other areas of the body that need more volume.

Get Predicted Results Due to High Precision

With liposuction using Vaser, plastic surgeons have the confidence that patients can be ensured attractive aesthetic results. While uneven and lumpy areas can be caused by traditional liposuction, only the unwanted fat is targeted precisely with Vaser Probe. When fat is removed from areas such as abdomen or the chest, the underlying musculature becomes more well-defined. Thus, the patients get an improved body contour. The treatment is a minimally invasive one and is a ‘wide-awake’ procedure. Local anesthesia is administered to the patients, so they stay awake and remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

Vaser liposuction offers:

• Easy and quick removal of excess fat
• Excellent body sculpting results
• Precise contouring of delicate areas
• Reduced bruising and bleeding
• Good skin retraction
• Minimal downtime
• Surrounding tissues are kept unharmed

If optimal muscle tone is to be achieved, the treatment should be done in a reputable center of cosmetic plastic surgery such as the select few available in Manhattan, NYC. The right questions should be asked to the plastic surgeon and all basic things about this liposuction surgery should be learned well beforehand.

Many men and women go for cosmetic surgery to improve their physical appearance as well as enhance their self-esteem and well-being. If you reside in Manhattan or nearby, you can seek treatment at a reputable plastic surgery center in Manhattan that would ensure effective cosmetic plastic surgery and provide you natural-looking results.

Reputable plastic surgeons in Manhattan have been providing plastic reconstructive surgery procedures for their patients for more than 20 years. Select plastic surgery centers in Manhattan are accredited by AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities), which means your safety is ensured by the experienced and skilled plastic surgeons. They have comprehensive websites providing you information regarding the various surgical procedures they offer, qualifications and experience of the plastic surgeons and other relevant details. If you want more information, you can schedule an appointment with them for a surgery consultation at their Manhattan location.

It is important to identify Manhattan doctors who have devoted themselves to assisting patients looking for an improved body and facial contour. They personally meet with each patient to address their concerns and answer all the questions they have. Patients seeking surgery in New York City, Manhattan can visit their website pages to learn more about the services they offer and to browse their before and after gallery to view examples of their surgical skill. A leading Manhattan plastic surgeon would provide a complete range of aesthetic procedures, including those for the face, body and breast.

Consider experienced cosmetic surgeons who have been offering a range of appearance-enhancing methods including breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tuck. Buttock enhancement is also provided by the surgeons for women desiring a more attractive and fuller body contour. Breast lift is another procedure women can undergo to achieve youthful looking breasts. In this case, you’ll have to locate a surgeon who has successfully carried out many breast surgery procedures and helped their patients achieve aesthetically pleasing breasts which are more proportionate to their body.

A dedicated doctor and his support staff can clearly perceive the unique problems faced by their patients who are not satisfied with their looks. They consider your requirements and work to enhance your appearance with the most appropriate solution that will address your aesthetic concerns.

Before selecting a plastic surgeon, first visit the surgeon’s/facility’s website, and find out the different types of services they provide. If you find the one you are considering, look up patients’ reviews that will help you know more about the quality of their services. Alternately, you may contact other patients who have been treated by the surgeon. You should also know about the doctor’s experience in providing the particular surgery. Ensure that the plastic surgery facility you choose is an AAAASF accredited surgery center.

Breast augmentation surgery is an important aesthetic procedure that has gained much popularity in recent years. Many established plastic surgery centers in the US offer innovative cosmetic breast surgery procedures to help figure-conscious women accomplish their breast enhancement goals. Breast augmentation with implants is an advanced procedure that provides women with a fuller and more youthful breast contour.
Breast Implant Choices

The effects of gravity, weight loss and pregnancy are main factors that cause breasts to lose their firmness, shape and volume. Breast augmentation with implants is considered a great solution as this plastic surgery procedure enhances the shape, size and attractiveness of a woman’s breasts. This breast enhancement procedure can also be accompanied by a breast lift to resolve sagging. Implant procedures are specifically designed to provide women with perkier and fuller breasts that last. Breast implants are now available in a variety of shapes and sizes. The breast implant options offered by renowned AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices include:

• Silicone gel implants
• Saline implants

Both these breast enlargement options are FDA-approved and come with a strong silicone outer shell. The main difference between them is that the more natural-looking silicone implant features pre-filled gel, while the saline implant is filled with a saline solution after it is been placed beneath the skin. Breast augmentation surgery procedures using these two types of implants are widely popular for their effectiveness in helping women achieve fuller and shapely breasts, contributing to an improved physical appearance and greater confidence.

Cosmetic Breast Surgery with Implants - Various Incision Options

Breast enhancement surgery using saline or silicone gel implants is not a complex procedure. It is normally performed as an outpatient procedure, and can be completed in about one or two hours. There are various incision options for inserting breast implants. The incision may be placed under the arm, under the breast tissue or muscle, or around the nipple. However, the incision technique utilized may largely depend on the type of implant selected as well as the extent of breast enlargement required. The plastic surgeon decides on the most appropriate type of implant and incision method depending on the desired breast shape, size and other physical aspects of the patient.
Breast augmentation with implants is ideal for women in good health and with a steady body weight. The patient should also have realistic expectations about the degree of improvement that can be expected. This breast augmentation surgery ensures women the following benefits:
• Helps regain a youthful figure and appearance
• Restores breast volume lost due to weight loss or breastfeeding
• Enhances overall physical appeal

Achieving Effective Breast Surgery Results

It is obvious that breast augmentation with implants is convenient cosmetic surgery option for figure-conscious women looking for enhanced breast contour. However, the best outcome for breast enlargement surgery procedures will largely depend on the plastic surgeon performing it. It is therefore important to locate a qualified and experienced   plastic surgeon offering the procedure in an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice. The right surgeon would thoroughly evaluate the patient before the surgery, taking into account the patient’s cosmetic goals and physical condition. This will ensure safe and effective breast augmentation surgery.

Nowadays, there are many techniques of liposuction available for the removal of unwanted fat from the body. These procedures are easier, as compared to traditional procedures. The new Vaser liposuction is the next dimension in body contouring. Many plastic surgery practices in the country utilize this procedure. You should definitely try out Vaser 2.0 if an improved body contour is your aesthetic goal.

Since, this technology is new, many people are not sure whether the desired results can be achieved or not. They may not be aware of the factors that make this cosmetic plastic surgery a unique one. This liposuction surgery is very effective for almost all body parts. With vaser liposuction, you are ensures a much improved appearance.

How Can Your Appearance be Changed with Vaser Lipo?

Some clear benefits are offered to patients by this cosmetic plastic surgery, as compared to other traditional methods of liposuction. Ultrasound energy is utilized in vaser liposuction to disrupt the targeted fat deposits that are liquefied. However, the surrounding tissues are kept intact. The entire process is safe and the associated pain is minimal. When excess fat is removed from the body and the loose skin is tightened, patients can feel and look their best. Vaser liposuction can be done on any part of the body; large volume as well as small scale sculpting is possible. One can get rid of large and small volumes of fat with a choice of groove patterns, diameters, and probes provided in the device. Whether you are looking for a six pack, or wish to enhance the contours of your calf muscles, Vaser liposuction is a great option.

Procedure of Vaser Lipo

First, a tumescent saline solution is injected into the treatment area. This helps in numbing the site and shrinking the blood vessels to minimize blood loss and bruising. Due to this solution, the area becomes wet and the fatty tissue can be easily broken down with the ultrasound energy. The surgeon would insert a small probe into the area that has to be treated. Sound energy is transmitted for breaking up and liquefying the fat cells. Other important tissues are preserved. Finally, the surgeon would remove the liquefied fat through a gentle process of suctioning, which is specially designed for minimizing trauma to the surrounding connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves.

How Is Vaser Beneficial?

• Ultrasonic energy is used for separating fat from connective tissues
• The surrounding tissues are kept intact while removing the fat
• Fat cell viability is maintained
• The procedure is a wide awake one
• Large volume as well as small scale sculpting is possible
• Skin is effectively tightened
• Minimal swelling, bruising and pain

Local anesthesia is used for performing this procedure. Therefore, risks and complications are minimal. The recovery is very fast and normal activities can be resumed within a week.