Obesity is a very common problem in this modern world. Both men and women are troubled by unwanted body fat. According to the WHO, by the year 2020 obesity will rise to epidemic proportions and can become the cause of death of many people. Therefore it is important to lose unwanted body fat and get back into shape through sensible diet and exercise regimens. In case some body fat remains unyielding in certain body parts, it can be effectively removed via minimally invasive liposuction.

VASER liposuction is one such advanced body contouring procedure provided at reputable plastic surgery facilities in the United States. VASER lipo is not painful, and is associated with minimal risk, complication or discomfort. This makes the procedure an immensely popular one with both men and women.

Things to Know about Vaser 2.0 Liposuction

• During this non-surgical procedure for fat removal, a tumescent fluid in injected into the target area. This helps to numb the area and also shrink the blood vessels, which in turn minimizes bruising and blood loss. A small probe delivers ultrasound energy to fragment the fatty tissue. The surrounding tissues and blood vessels are left unharmed. The emulsified fat is removed through a gentle suction process.

• The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. So, patients can remain completely awake and talk to the plastic surgeon. This will make the patient more relaxed and comfortable, without being anxious about the procedure.

• Patients can return home after the procedure and usually return to their normal lives the next day. Some swelling and bruising may be there, which subside after two weeks.

• Patients are usually advised to wear a compression garment during post-operative recovery to ensure speedy healing.

• Compared to invasive cosmetic plastic surgery, VASER liposuction is a relatively painless procedure.

• Most patients do not experience much pain and when needed additional sedation may be provided for more sensitive patients.

Approach an Experienced Plastic Surgeon

To benefit from a comfortable surgical experience, approach an experienced plastic surgeon at an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facility. The surgeon would give you all necessary information regarding the procedure, and also about the results you can expect. It is important to maintain realistic expectations. A knowledgeable plastic surgeon would provide customized Vaser liposuction keeping your aesthetic objectives in mind. You must follow your surgeon’s advice closely if you want to maintain the attractive results obtained.

Excess body fat is a major concern of many men and women. Unwanted fat can spoil the natural appearance and affect your self-esteem. Modern medical science provides excellent solutions for removing excess body fat and regaining an attractive body contour. Minimally invasive liposuction is available now to eliminate fat with minimal pain and discomfort to the patient. VASER Liposuction or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance Liposuction is one such procedure provided in leading plastic surgery facilities. This is a non-surgical process that utilizes ultrasound technology to remove surplus fat. Hi Def liposuction using VASER provides very attractive aesthetic results for both men and women.

Liposuction Using Vaser 2.0 – Some Facts

• VASER lipo utilizes ultrasonic sound waves to liquefy the fat cells. It makes the job of the surgeons easier.

• Hi Def liposuction is an advanced procedure that is known to provide an athletic physique to men and women.

• This surgery involves the skilful use of liposuction techniques with the assistance of the third generation ultrasound process.
• Unlike other kinds of liposuction surgery, this process is much more accurate and popular especially among models, actors, body builders and dancers.
• In the process of Hi Def liposuction using VASER, the surrounding tissues, blood vessels and muscles are left unharmed and intact.

• Body parts including the abdomen, female breasts, thighs, hips, male breasts, tummy, buttocks and arms can be treated to provide a more attractive appearance.

• This cosmetic plastic surgery can be carried out under local anesthesia, and this makes it a safe procedure. Patients stay awake throughout the procedure.

• Since the process of Hi Def liposuction using VASER target specific body parts, it takes lesser time compared to other conventional liposuction procedures.

• However, you must have a fit and healthy body if you want to undergo this surgical process. Otherwise you cannot get the optimal results ensured by this VASER 2.0 treatment.

The Right Surgeon and the Right Facility – Main Concerns

Be it regular VASER liposuction or Hi Def liposuction using VASER, the main objective of the procedure is to remove the excess fat and give you a finely curved, perfectly-shaped body. To achieve optimum results, you have to approach the right surgeon. Moreover, the plastic surgery facility where the surgery is to be carried out should be AAAASF accredited and provide the service of caring support staff. Usually, reliable facilities provide follow-up care also to help you maintain the good results obtained.

Having a fit and fine body structure is the dream of most men and women. But the fact is not all of us are equally fortunate to have that perfect physique. Some of us have the issue of overweight or excessive body fat that ruins the overall appearance. The main problem is that the excess fat often remains even after the strictest of diets and exercise. However, with the advent of advanced technology in medical science, it has now become easy to get rid of unwanted body fat. VASER liposuction is one of the minimally invasive procedures that can make your body free from unwanted fat and give you a perfectly shaped body.

Vaser Liposuction Surgery – Some Facts

Before you undergo liposuction, you need to know about the procedure very well. If you know the important facts of this liposuction surgery, you will be able to take an informed decision.

• First of all, liposuction is the process of reducing unwanted fat from your body. It can be done through different types of procedures and VASER liposuction is one of the most effective methods.

• VASER lipo is a minimally invasive, safe procedure. This system utilizes ultrasound technology to break up and remove the excess body fat.

• During this procedure, the surgeon injects a tumescent fluid in the treatment site. This numbs the treatment area and shrinks the blood vessels. It also temporarily expands the volume of the targeted area so that it is easy to remove fat. Small probes are inserted into the body through small incisions. These probes resonate at a high ultrasonic energy to shake loose the fat cells, while leaving the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue unharmed. The fat cells that mix with the tumescent fluid are removed safely by a suction process.

• After this cosmetic plastic surgery, the plastic surgeon usually prescribes a recovery program to ensure maximum retraction of the skin and attractive aesthetic results. Sometimes massage therapy may be recommended to improve the results and facilitate recovery.

• Since there is hardly any side effect or pain related to this treatment, VASER liposuction is popular among the patients who are looking to get rid of excessive body fat.

The Plastic Surgeon and the Facility – Important Considerations

Vaser lipo should be obtained from a reputable, experienced plastic surgeon to ensure good results and a safe procedure. Ideally, the procedure should be done at an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facility. Make sure that the surgeon discusses all aspects of the procedure with you; try to get a clear idea about the results you can expect. Follow all the instructions of your plastic surgeon to enjoy the full benefits of Vaser liposuction.

People try different methods to achieve a perfect body shape. Fat deposits in the body that are resistant to diets and exercise can be removed through effective liposuction procedures. VASER Lipo is an advanced liposuction procedure that uses ultrasound energy to remove fat from connective tissues, while retaining the viability of cells. VASER Liposuction: is it safe? This is a question that arises in your mind when you consider Vaser 2.0 cosmetic plastic surgery. Here are some other questions that may come to your mind.

Common Questions Regarding VASER Liposuction and Their Answers

The following information should help you gain more knowledge about VASER liposuction and understand how safe it is.

• How safe is this ultrasound technology?

VASER 2.0 (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) utilizes high energy ultrasound waves to break up the fat in the targeted areas without affecting the surrounding blood vessels or tissues. This ensures quick recovery.

• What results can I expect?

VASER body sculpting provided at established cosmetic plastic surgery centers provides good aesthetic results such as:

 o Tightened skin
 o Improved body contour
 o Smooth skin surface

• What body areas can be treated with this procedure?

This liposuction surgery can be used to treat both delicate and general body areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, face, chin, breasts, back, knees, calves, ankles, love handles and arms.

• Are there any side effects involved?

Normal side effects of bruising and swelling can be reduced by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon.

• How much fat can I remove? At a time how many body areas can be treated?

Multiple areas can be treated simultaneously. The amount of fat to be removed will be decided by the plastic surgeon after a detailed examination.

• How long is the recovery time and how soon will I see the results?

The recovery time depends on the extent of fat removed and the number of areas treated. You can see complete results of the treatment within three to four months after the treatment.

• How does this work?

VASER2.0 system used in this treatment has advanced ultrasound technology in it to treat the affected areas and offer smooth body sculpting. Tumescent fluid is injected into the targeted area that numbs the area, and makes it easier to remove the fat cells. Ultrasonic probes resonating at high frequency virtually shake the fat cells and liquefy the fat. The loose fat cells that mix with the tumescent fluid are removed gently through suction tubes.

• How long does the procedure take and will it hurt?

This is a minimally invasive procedure and the patient remains awake throughout the treatment. Treatment in a single area requires only an hour, with the time varying according to the number of areas treated.
Initial consultation with your plastic surgeon will help you understand the importance of maintaining realistic expectations. Find a renowned surgical center in Manhattan, NYC that provides safe VASER Liposuction and undergo the procedure that is provided by a knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeon.

VASER is a new generation body contouring procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to remove fat deposits which are resistant to diet and exercise. You may wonder why VASER liposuction is so popular; the answer obviously is the benefits this liposuction surgery offers. Its state-of-the-art ultrasound technology is specially designed to remove large quantities of fat safely and effectively.

Benefits of VASER Liposuction

Manhattan, NYC is an ideal place to have liposuction surgery as there are many excellent plastic surgeons here. However, your first concern should be to find a plastic surgeon who is an expert in the VASER lipo procedure.  In the right hands, this novel technology can offer many benefits:

Works for delicate areas of the body: This advanced cosmetic plastic surgery technology treats both large areas such as the abdomen, breasts, back and thighs, and delicate areas such as the face, chin, calves, and ankles.

Minimally invasive cosmetic plastic surgery: With this liposuction procedure only tiny incisions are required.  Tumescent fluid is first injected to numb the treatment area. A small incision is then made to insert the minimally invasive cannula that delivers ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat, which is then gently suctioned off.

Short recovery time: As compared to traditional liposuction, only less time is required for healing and you can resume your normal activities in a few days.

Minimal complications: An experienced plastic surgeon can provide you with safe liposuction surgery with VASER 2.0 which uses the latest ultrasound technology.  

Outpatient procedure: This procedure can be done in a surgeon’s office, outpatient surgery center, or in a hospital.

Treats single as well as multiple areas: VASER lipo can treat multiple areas at one time. Your plastic surgeon will decide the amount of fat to be removed depending on physical considerations.

Limits surgical trauma: The use of local anesthesia ensures that patients remain awake through out the surgery, limiting the risks of surgical trauma.

Safe technology: VASER 2.0 is a tissue-selective procedure that targets only the fat cells with out affecting the surrounding blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues. Hi-def liposuction using VASER removes fat around muscle groups, helping both men and women achieve a sculpted and athletic physique.

Quick results: Results are visible immediately after the procedure. Final results can be seen in 3 or 4 months.

Can be combined with tummy tuck or body lift: Reliable plastic surgery centers in offer VASER liposuction in combination with a body lift or tummy-tuck.

Skin tightening effects: This FDA-approved treatment is clinically proven and results in improved skin tightening by stimulating the production of collagen.

Minimal scarring: This body contouring technology involves minimal scarring compared to traditional liposuction. The tiny cannula leaves only temporary scars.

Liposuction Surgery at an AAAASF Accredited Surgical Center

Make sure you choose a plastic surgery center that is AAAASF-accredited (recognized by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) in Manhattan, NYC for your VASER liposuction. This will ensure a safe surgical experience in keeping with all standard industry norms and procedures. 

VASER Lipo is also known as Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance liposuction. It is an advanced cosmetic surgery option that has become immensely popular. Till now, no adverse effects have been noticed. VASER liposuction has also received good media coverage. This procedure is known for being a minimally invasive one. The FDA has given approval to this body contouring procedure, which signifies its safety. It can be provided for both men and women desiring a better body contour. You can undergo this procedure at a select plastic surgery facility in Manhattan, NYC.

How Is Vaser Liposuction Done?

This specialized technique is quite unique and for melting the flab, ultrasonic sound waves are used. Small probes that have a contemporary design are used for delivering the sonic wave. The fatty matter is liquefied and later, it is removed safely from the body of the patients. In just a single procedure of this liposuction surgery, up to 2 liters of fat can be removed. Compared to traditional liposuction that is more painful and risk prone, VASER liposuction is safe and involves minimal discomfort to the patient.

Reasons for the Popularity of Vaser 2.0

Vaser liposuction is being chosen by several people because of the following advantages that the procedure offers:

• There is less or no damage caused to the surrounding blood vessels or tissues with Vaser lipo. Since tiny cannulas are used, even the incisions that are made in the skin are very small. Thus, in majority of the cases, scars made by the incisions are hardly visible.

• Generally, there is minimal inflammation and bruising. There is very less blood loss in comparison with the conventional procedure of liposuction.

• The time taken for recovery after Vaser liposuction surgery is very short compared to that involved in traditional liposuction. Patients need not stay overnight in the hospital, after this procedure.

• Only minimal discomfort or pain is experienced by the patient during the entire process. There is hardly any need for follow-up treatments.

• Vaser liposuction can be done under local anesthesia. Thus, this procedure is safe from the risks associated with general anesthesia.
• This technique is applicable even to more sensitive and less common areas including the knees, ankles, buttocks and breasts.

Vaser liposuction is recommended by many cosmetic surgeons to patients looking for effective cosmetic plastic surgery options. The reason is that the technique is free of hassles, and more effective results are produced when compared to traditional liposuction.