VASER is a new generation body contouring procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to remove fat deposits which are resistant to diet and exercise. You may wonder why VASER liposuction is so popular; the answer obviously is the benefits this liposuction surgery offers. Its state-of-the-art ultrasound technology is specially designed to remove large quantities of fat safely and effectively.

Benefits of VASER Liposuction

Manhattan, NYC is an ideal place to have liposuction surgery as there are many excellent plastic surgeons here. However, your first concern should be to find a plastic surgeon who is an expert in the VASER lipo procedure.  In the right hands, this novel technology can offer many benefits:

Works for delicate areas of the body: This advanced cosmetic plastic surgery technology treats both large areas such as the abdomen, breasts, back and thighs, and delicate areas such as the face, chin, calves, and ankles.

Minimally invasive cosmetic plastic surgery: With this liposuction procedure only tiny incisions are required.  Tumescent fluid is first injected to numb the treatment area. A small incision is then made to insert the minimally invasive cannula that delivers ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat, which is then gently suctioned off.

Short recovery time: As compared to traditional liposuction, only less time is required for healing and you can resume your normal activities in a few days.

Minimal complications: An experienced plastic surgeon can provide you with safe liposuction surgery with VASER 2.0 which uses the latest ultrasound technology.  

Outpatient procedure: This procedure can be done in a surgeon’s office, outpatient surgery center, or in a hospital.

Treats single as well as multiple areas: VASER lipo can treat multiple areas at one time. Your plastic surgeon will decide the amount of fat to be removed depending on physical considerations.

Limits surgical trauma: The use of local anesthesia ensures that patients remain awake through out the surgery, limiting the risks of surgical trauma.

Safe technology: VASER 2.0 is a tissue-selective procedure that targets only the fat cells with out affecting the surrounding blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues. Hi-def liposuction using VASER removes fat around muscle groups, helping both men and women achieve a sculpted and athletic physique.

Quick results: Results are visible immediately after the procedure. Final results can be seen in 3 or 4 months.

Can be combined with tummy tuck or body lift: Reliable plastic surgery centers in offer VASER liposuction in combination with a body lift or tummy-tuck.

Skin tightening effects: This FDA-approved treatment is clinically proven and results in improved skin tightening by stimulating the production of collagen.

Minimal scarring: This body contouring technology involves minimal scarring compared to traditional liposuction. The tiny cannula leaves only temporary scars.

Liposuction Surgery at an AAAASF Accredited Surgical Center

Make sure you choose a plastic surgery center that is AAAASF-accredited (recognized by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) in Manhattan, NYC for your VASER liposuction. This will ensure a safe surgical experience in keeping with all standard industry norms and procedures. 

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