Nowadays, there are many techniques of liposuction available for the removal of unwanted fat from the body. These procedures are easier, as compared to traditional procedures. The new Vaser liposuction is the next dimension in body contouring. Many plastic surgery practices in the country utilize this procedure. You should definitely try out Vaser 2.0 if an improved body contour is your aesthetic goal.

Since, this technology is new, many people are not sure whether the desired results can be achieved or not. They may not be aware of the factors that make this cosmetic plastic surgery a unique one. This liposuction surgery is very effective for almost all body parts. With vaser liposuction, you are ensures a much improved appearance.

How Can Your Appearance be Changed with Vaser Lipo?

Some clear benefits are offered to patients by this cosmetic plastic surgery, as compared to other traditional methods of liposuction. Ultrasound energy is utilized in vaser liposuction to disrupt the targeted fat deposits that are liquefied. However, the surrounding tissues are kept intact. The entire process is safe and the associated pain is minimal. When excess fat is removed from the body and the loose skin is tightened, patients can feel and look their best. Vaser liposuction can be done on any part of the body; large volume as well as small scale sculpting is possible. One can get rid of large and small volumes of fat with a choice of groove patterns, diameters, and probes provided in the device. Whether you are looking for a six pack, or wish to enhance the contours of your calf muscles, Vaser liposuction is a great option.

Procedure of Vaser Lipo

First, a tumescent saline solution is injected into the treatment area. This helps in numbing the site and shrinking the blood vessels to minimize blood loss and bruising. Due to this solution, the area becomes wet and the fatty tissue can be easily broken down with the ultrasound energy. The surgeon would insert a small probe into the area that has to be treated. Sound energy is transmitted for breaking up and liquefying the fat cells. Other important tissues are preserved. Finally, the surgeon would remove the liquefied fat through a gentle process of suctioning, which is specially designed for minimizing trauma to the surrounding connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves.

How Is Vaser Beneficial?

• Ultrasonic energy is used for separating fat from connective tissues
• The surrounding tissues are kept intact while removing the fat
• Fat cell viability is maintained
• The procedure is a wide awake one
• Large volume as well as small scale sculpting is possible
• Skin is effectively tightened
• Minimal swelling, bruising and pain

Local anesthesia is used for performing this procedure. Therefore, risks and complications are minimal. The recovery is very fast and normal activities can be resumed within a week.

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