Buttock augmentation can be done in two ways; either using fat injections (Brazilian butt augmentation) or with the help of implants. The procedure offers a more rounded, firm and attractive derriere. It is an apt option for women looking to shape up after pregnancy, add volume to a flat derriere or look good in beachwear or evening dress.

Reputable plastic surgeons in Manhattan utilize the Brazilian butt augmentation method since it offers more natural looking and superior results and is very safe.

Why Not Buttock Implants?

In butt augmentation with implants, the surgeon would insert solid silicone implants below the muscle in the buttocks. Since there is insertion of a foreign object in the body, there is a possibility of implant rejection. Sometimes, owing to the movement of muscles, it may be displaced as well. Additionally, there is a risk of infection and the results may not be very natural. The healing period is also longer with this method. It takes around six weeks to resume normal activities. Many surgeons in Manhattan advice patients to opt for Brazilian butt lift procedure. If they don’t have sufficient fat for the procedure, then they may have to gain weight for undergoing successful fat transplantation.

Why Opt for Brazilian Butt Lift?

With Brazilian butt augmentation, several benefits are offered over the traditional method of implants. There are experienced surgeons in Manhattan who offer the procedure. They use the latest procedures and state-of-the-art facilities for performing the procedure. Liposuction is used for collecting fat from a particular area of the body. With this, the donor site area can be contoured and the figure enhanced. Then, purification of the collected fat is done before it is injected into the buttocks. The results are very consistent and smooth. Given below are some of the major benefits of this method:

  • In this method, there is minimal scarring.
  • The period of recovery is very short. It takes 2 weeks to return to normal activities
  • There is hardly any chance of infection.
  • Since no foreign objects are inserted in the body, chances of fat rejection are very less.
  • The skin consistency is softer and more natural.
  • The risk of side effects is very less.

Precise and safe sculpting and excellent aesthetic results are ensured with the help of advanced diagnostic imaging systems. More accurate placement of fat is possible with these systems because the plastic surgeon can see exactly where the fat is being placed and also the amount of fat that is being deposited.

Manhattan is a good place for undergoing this procedure since there are surgeons here who are trained and experienced and focus on ensuring attractive aesthetic results for their patients. Right from the time of consultation, during the actual surgery and afterwards, these surgeons provide maximum care and attention to the patients, taking into consideration their aesthetic goals.

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