When opting for laser liposuction, proper preparation is very essential.  If your plastic surgeon is experienced and reliable, proper instructions   would be given that would help you have a comfortable liposuction experience. It is important that all these instructions are carefully followed. If you are a smoker, quit smoking at least six weeks before the surgery to avoid issues with recovery. When opting for laser liposuction, you should also refrain from consuming alcohol. The night before this procedure, you will be advised not to drink or eat anything after midnight. If you are not in good health before the surgery, it is best to wait until you recover your normal health. On the day of the procedure, comfortable clothes should be worn that can be easily slipped on and off. No metal items, nail polish, jewelry or makeup should be worn.

  • You should have a detailed discussion with your plastic surgeon before the surgery to make sure that all important information regarding the procedure and recovery is collected.
  • Advanced liposuction using laser technology is mostly carried out under local anesthesia. Laser liposuction is quite different as compared to the traditional method. A laser device named Smartlipo Triplex is used for melting the fat and also for shrinking the skin and tightening it to fit the new body contour. This is a very good procedure for patients who have concerns about sagging skin after liposuction.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the number of body areas treated.
  • While recovering from this procedure, the pain medications and antibiotics that are prescribed by the doctor should be taken without fail.
  • Also, when returning to regular activities you must follow the surgeon’s advice.

It has been noticed that regular activities of the patients can be resumed within the first week after the laser liposuction procedure. After the procedure, the surgeon may recommend wearing a compression garment as it helps in reducing swelling and promoting contraction of the skin for smooth results. It is advised that the garment should be worn for around six weeks all the time, except when bathing. During the recovery period, patients may be asked to go for follow up visits with the surgeon. The incisions should be protected from the sun; otherwise it would lead to darkening of scars.  

Make it a point to ask your plastic surgeon any questions you may have regarding laser liposuction. It is vital that you take an informed decision when it comes to undergoing the surgical procedure of your choice.

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