An established AAAASF-accredited Manhattan cosmetic surgery practice, bodySCULPT® is helping men and women achieve their aesthetic goals with advanced, minimally invasive plastic surgery procedures. The expert surgeons here focus on delivering natural looking, longer lasting body contouring solutions, and utilize the latest technology to ensure patient safety and effective results.

Laser liposuction at this professional plastic surgery center can greatly enhance physical appeal by resolving pertinent issues such as excess body fat and lax skin. Minimally invasive liposuction procedures are performed using advanced lipolysis systems such as radio frequency assisted BodyTite, laser-assisted SmartLipo Triplex, and ultrasound-assisted VASER 2.0. Achieving a flatter and trimmer abdomen is possible with the advanced abdominoplasty offered here. Liposuction surgery helps contour both delicate and extensive areas including the hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arm, neck, face and much more.

Unique treatment plans are offered for both men and women. For instance, the high definition laser liposuction procedure is ideal for men looking for a six-pack body or women who want a well-toned sculpted physique. The gynecomastia treatment helps men get rid of abnormally oversized breasts and achieve a contoured, manly chest.

bodySCULPT is also well-known for its breast augmentation surgery. Women can choose from saline or saline implants and fat transfer procedures to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. A Brazilian butt augmentation procedure is for women looking to achieve a curved and firm posterior.

Patient safety is given top priority. The expert surgeons advise patients on the appropriate procedure after carefully evaluating physical considerations, medical fitness, and cosmetic goals. At the initial evaluation, the surgeon discusses treatment options as well as explains the benefits and risks of the procedure in question so that the patient can make an informed decision. It is important that patients have realistic expectations about the outcome.

All cosmetic surgery procedures are performed to provide a customized outcome while ensuring minimal pain, scarring and discomfort. Consultations can be scheduled by calling the toll-free number or sending an email. Individuals who live outside Manhattan can schedule a virtual consultation prior to their in-person consultation with the plastic surgeon.

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